The Popular Perseid Meteor Shower

Watching the Perseid Meteor Shower Last night I stayed up late to watch the well-known Perseid meteor shower. Apparently, since 811 it's been people have been watching this magnificent meteor shower. Even though it was blistering hot during the day, the evening was actually very cool with a refreshing breeze every now and then. And with the Perseid meteor shower no special astronomy equipment is required, just the naked eye. Star-gazing and watching meteor showers is very relaxing and tell stories of long ago. I like to tell my granddaughter all the famous star lore associated with the constellations. The meteor shower gets its name because it radiates from the Perseus constellation. Sometimes the meteor's from this shower are called the "tears of St. Lawrence" because the meteor shower is usually close to the Catholic feast day of St. Lawrence. St. Lawrence was a famous Christian martyr who helped the poor and was cooked by Romans on an outdoor grill - hence t...