
Showing posts from October, 2023

Recovering from the Corn Maze

Corn Maze Recovery  This weekend was Corn Maze Weekend! I walked so much that at my age it took a day to recover. I am not used to walking that  much. And yes, I got lost in the maze, but it was lots of fun! There are several corn mazes in the area that you can go to a a couple in a day. FYI, if you really feel like your lost, you can be "rescued." I did not need to be rescued by was lost for a good 3 hours. The hardest thing about it is losing your sense of direction - all the corn looks the same! So, I may of been walking around in circles for a while.  Had a lot of fun! View of Corn Maze Peek-A- Boo ! Granddaughter jumping to see if we can find our way out

Outta this World Halloween Theme

Halloween - Alien theme I decided that this year I will revisit the Alien themed for Halloween. I'm working on invitations for my Alien themed Halloween Party.  I have set up my spider web, with an Alien in it! I even put spider lights on the black cob web. The White cob web has plastic spiders on it, but no lights. I'm thinking I'm going to go back to the store to see if there are anymore spider lights.  Spider Web with Alien And of course, I had to include a photo of my favorite Alien! My granddaughter's Alien costume was home-made, not store bought. We found some eye ball glasses at the store, and some green powder make-up and there you have it, my favorite alien!  My favorite Alien

Hip Hip Hooray, It's My Granddaughter's Birthday Week!

Shout Out! To my Fun Loving Granddaughter!!!!!! Happy Birthday!  Lets Do the Birthday Shout Out! Celebrate Today With Style! Celebrate Today with Cake! Celebrate Today with Fun! Celebrate today with Smiles! Celebrate Today with Friends! Celebrate Today with Family! Celebrate Today by Jumping for Joy! Celebrate Today with Laughter! Celebrate Today by being You! Celebrate The Years Ahead! Celebrate Today with Wisdom and Grace! Celebrate Today Because it your Day! Celebrate Today with more Laughter! Celebrate today with More Smiles! Celebrate Today where ever you are! Celebrate Today with because it's your special day! Lets Jump for Joy, Hip Hip  Hooray!! Today's My  Birthday!!!!!!! Love you, Olive my Olive!!!!  

Enjoying Nature and Observing the Monarchs

 Enjoying Nature Wish I could say that I took a nature hike in this beautiful fall weather. But being on the older side, I took a causal nature walk instead. This is a great time to take a walk, the weather is great and you might be able to see a monarch butterfly on it's way to Mexico! The Fall Migration for Monarchs begins in September and October there seems to be a lot around.  Monarch Butterfly Up Close After our walk, we just rested and enjoyed the outdoors. We even started a Nature Journal so we can remember this wonderful day! Resting with Granddaughter Olive from our Nature Walk and Drawing Monarchs in our Nature Journal to Remember this Wonderful Day! 

Finding Monkey Rock!

  Lost Maples State Natural Area - Take 2! October is also a great time to be outdoors. The weather is cooler than summer and it's not too cold. We took a hike to Lost Maples. The first time we hiked there we came to a point of interest called Monkey Rock. But we couldn't find the "monkey" or why it was a point of interest. Also, with limited cell service, it's not like we could just look it up. Then, later we realized that we just needed to look up! So, again we went back to see Monkey Rock.  Close Up View of Monkey Rock Monkey Rock Photo Bomb! LOL!  Another favorite of ours is the Grotto. It's just beautiful! In Front of the Cool Grotto This is a great place to see nature. We were also able to see some monarch butterflies before they made their way to Mexico.  We had lots of fun in this great weather. 


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