A Valentine Wish - Restore My Fractured Heart!

This Valentine's Day, my heart exists as a collection of cubist fragments - broken into a thousand pieces, all longing to be pieced back together.

February, the month of love, carries a bittersweet resonance this year. As I prepare to celebrate 50 years of marriage, my heart simultaneously aches with the pain of separation. 

Chiming Belle Remembers her last Valentine Dinner with her granddaughter Olive Olivia Denbina
Love You Soooo Much Olive

For the past three years, I've found myself embodying Picasso's "Weeping Woman," my emotions as fractured and complex as his iconic painting. My once-whole bond with my granddaughter, Olive, now resembles a Cubist masterpiece, each jagged piece a poignant reminder of our involuntary divide. These years have painted our separation with harsh strokes, leaving my heart shattered into angular fragments, each one reflecting a cherished memory.

Like the subject of Picasso's portrait, my eyes have become wells of sorrow, shedding invisible tears that daily erode the fabric of my being. Yet, even as I weep, my love remains unbroken, a vibrant color persisting amidst the fragmented canvas of our lives.

Chiming Belle's Fragmented Self Portrait - the Weeping Grandma
Chiming Belle's Fragmented Self Portrait - The Weeping Grandma

I'm reminded of St. Valentine, who, according to legend, healed the blind daughter of Judge Asterius. As the story goes, Valentine placed his hands on the girl's eyes and prayed, miraculously restoring her sight. In that spirit, I pray for a miracle of our own - that the uncontrollable obstacles between us will fade with time. While in my seventies, I'm acutely aware that time may not be on my side, which only intensifies my longing to reconnect.

My love for you, Olive, is beyond description. This Valentine's Day, I wish you a future filled with love and light. Know that you will never be forgotten. I hold onto hope that the fractured lines of this weeping woman's heart will one day be restored, and we can be whole again. Each tear I shed is both a memory and a wish – a wish to see you again, to mend what's broken.

As I face an uncertain future, I hope that when my time comes, it will be with a heart repaired by reconciliation and love. Until then, my darling Olive, happy Valentine's Day!

Chiming Belle hugging Granddaughter Olive Olivia Denbina and wishing she could give her another hug. Love you soo much Olive ! We all do!
Here's a Happy Valentine Day's Hug Olive!

May you feel the depth of my love across the distance that separates us, just as St. Valentine's love reached beyond his own time to touch the lives of others.

Nothing Like a Mother's Hug showing her unconditional love for you Olive Olivia Denbina. May you feel the unconditional love of your mommy this Valentine's day
Sending you Valentine's Hugs Olive! 


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