My Goal for 2024: To be Joyous!!

 Happy New Year! 2024 is Here!

This year my goal for myself is to be Joyous. To Have Joy!

This will be difficult for me since life has been difficult lately, especially with what my Doctor told me and having a not so ideal family situation. 

But, I am so glad to be alive! Hopefully, finding Joy in my life will help me life another year! And if not will at least I went with Joy! in my heart!

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. James 1:2-3

Chiming Belle with granddaughter Olivia Denbina in Joy for New Year of 2024
My 2024 Goal: Joy

May Joy Always Find You Christmas Card with Tina and Olive Denbina TeamDenbina
May Joy Always Find You! 

Today I choose Joy with Tina and Olive Denbina TeamDenbina
2024 Goal: To Choose Joy

Tina and Olive Denbina in Front of Joy. One of my favorite pictures with Joy
One of My Favorite Photos


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