
Showing posts from 2024

The Heartbreaking Ripple Effects of Divorce: A Grandmother's Plea

  The Heartbreaking Ripple Effects of Divorce: A Grandmother's Plea Life's fragility struck me recently - both through my own health challenges and by witnessing Jay Leno's remarkable resilience after his recent fall. Like Jay Leno, who returned to work swiftly despite injury, I'm learning to move forward with determination, understanding that adversity doesn't define us, but how we respond to it does. As Thanksgiving approaches, a deeper pain weighs on my heart - the silent epidemic of divorce that tears families apart more thoroughly than any physical ailment. This week, in a crowded waiting room, I discovered I wasn't alone. Surrounded by fellow grandparents, aunts, and cousins, we shared stories that echoed with haunting similarity - tales of alienation, false accusations, and heartbreaking separations. Bonding over vibrant hair and endless laughter 💜 My granddaughter Olive has become the unwitting victim of this familial destruction. Knowing she...

My Love For Voting!

 Voting Has Begun!  Early voting has begun, and I cherish the memories I create with my granddaughter at the polls. This tradition goes beyond simply casting a ballot; it opens the door to meaningful conversations about standing up for our beliefs and values. Chiming Belle with Granddaughter at  the Polls Voting empowers citizens to elect leaders who prioritize the public interest and common good over personal gain. The key is to evaluate candidates based on their qualifications and capacity for wise governance.  However, in today's information-saturated world, distinguishing between prudent candidates and those who rely on manipulation can be challenging. Unwise leaders often employ charisma and flattery, telling people what to think rather than encouraging critical thought. They may use emotional manipulation and make absolutist claims, demanding acceptance instead of inviting questions. In contrast, wise candidates educate voters on issues and seek to reveal t...

I'm a Sunset Chaser - it's one of my hobbies

 Sunset Chasing I'm a Sunset Chaser - it's one of my hobbies. I'm a slow mover, but one thing I can chase is a sunset! Just in case you are not familiar with this hobby, a sunset chaser a person who sees a beautiful sunset forming and tries to capture it's beauty by taking lots of photos. You don't need much to catch a sunset. A simple camera or phone camera.   It's also a time to admire it's beauty and take a deep breath and recharge. It's a wonderful way to end any day, even a stressful day.  Not every day do you see a sunset. But when I see one it's so beautiful and rewarding. Sometimes I'm able to pull over and capture the moment. However, trying to capture a Sunset Selfie is challenging, but I had lots of fun trying! Trying to take a Selfie in Front of a Sunset Sunset Captured By Side of Road Many times I just cannot stop the car. On this day my Granddaughter, who wasn't driving took this photo for me! I just love it! Remember safety f...

It's easy to feel alone... but then I attended our family reunion.

It's easy to feel alone... Caring for a loved one can sometimes make you feel like you are all alone. Just when I was beginning to feel lonely I was invited to a family reunion. It was the first family reunion in decades!  After many hours, I arrived. About to Enter the Family Reunion It was the rejuvenation that I needed! It was great to share memories together and meet family members that I hadn't met before. It was so much fun re-connecting.  Sharing Fun Times Together - Cherishing the Moment Appreciate the people in your life! Cherish the people who love you, and even if you grow apart, let them know you'll always be cheering for them even if it's from afar. However, much to my amazement, even though we had grown apart, most if not all have a social media presence or an email. So now, it will be easier to keep in touch! I don't feel alone anymore! Hoping I'll be around for the next reunion!

August is for Golfing!

 August if for Golfing!  We Just Love Golfing! My family loves Golfing and August is National Golf Month! However, I'm not much of a Golfer. Sports and exercise wasn't that important to my family growing up. Now, as an older American, I wish that exercise was more of a priority. I think I might of avoided some of my health issues. Enjoying The Golf Course With Family!  So, since my family enjoys playing, I found a way to enjoy it. Sometimes I Drive the Golf Cart, which is always lots of fun!  When golfing outdoors, I've thought of it as a nature walk. To me, I find the idea of just walking outside, observing nature peaceful!. Plus at the same time I can cheer on my family and be part of their exciting moments like when they make a long putt!   Of course, in the hot months, if you cannot get a tee time in early morning, there's several inside golf options. Places like TopGolf have made golf very social and enjoyable. Plus, I love their food menu!  Hav...

One Year Blog- aversary!

One Year ANNIVERSARY of being a blogger! My Blog-Averary! (as I call it) Yay to me! I wasn't sure I could do it. It's been a tough year for me personally, so to be able to blog for a year is a huge accomplishment for me. My biggest fan has been my granddaughter!  My Biggest Fan! My Granddaughter! I feel like I have a second chance at life after coming out from my coma. I had always wanted to be a blogger - writer and poet and now I better start, especially after surviving a coma and learning how to walk again!  Chiming Belle in a Coma with her biggest fan - Olive!  After my recovery, I regained some strength and then I became the primary caretaker of my husband. Being a caregiver has made it a challenge to continue to blog! But I did it!  Chiming Belle taking care of her husband Thank you to all my fans! 

A Meal to Impress !

"Learn to cook at least one meal to impress !" - that's what I was taught. I can cook an impressive taco dish. In fact, my tacos were sooooo good, it was impressive to my now husband. I think that's one reason he chose to continue to date me and later marry me! LOL!  I was talking about learning to cook at least one meal with my granddaughter Olive. I told her, it's a good idea to be able to cook at least one meal perfect - to impress! To take to a potluck, to cook for a boyfriend (a potential husband) to cook for a family who just needs a meal.  My Olive picked out a menu and we've been perfecting it for about a year.  Of course for dessert is a Trifle. She has always liked Trifles! Since Olive Could Help in the Kitchen She Always Enjoyed Creating a Trifle Dessert! Olive's Menu to Impress: Bruschetta, Pasta Casserole and a Berry Trifle Finished Meal to Impress! So Proud of You Olive! We've always have sooo much fun together in the kitchen!  You NEVE...

Reflecting on childhood dream of being a Ninja! LOL!

  Ninja, is what I want to be when I grow up! LOL!  "What do you want to be when you grow up Belle?" I had always wanted to be a Mom, but for some reason that wasn't an acceptable answer to the above question at school. It should of been. But that's another post.  So, since being a mom wasn't acceptable to teachers, I would always say a Ninja. For several years I had a black Ninja costume that I would wear for Halloween! Eventually the costume didn't fit right anymore! I would tell people as a child I wanted to be Ninja because I wanted to somehow fight for Justice, similar to a superhero and ninja legends are all I knew.  My memories of being a Ninja resurfaced as my granddaughter ends her year at  taekwondo. Great Job! on your Belt Test Olive!!!! My husband, Son and Daughter all took taekwondo lessons at some point in their lives! Wow, I can't believe my granddaughter enjoys taekwondo. Great Job! Playing Taekwondo Dress Up in Mommy's Uniform!

Mommy Got!

  Mommy Got!  I went to the store and there were several signs out selling items for Mother's Day. So what do Mother's want for Mother's Day? Mommy Got! Is a song written by my granddaughter and one of the best Mother's Day gifts ever gifted to me! for Mother's Day!  Granddaughter Working on Song My granddaughter, Olive has a beautiful voice, but her mom (born deaf) is now tone deaf has a not-so-great singing voice to most. However, Olive loves the sound of her mom's voice. Olive heard that  one day everyone in Heaven will sing praises to the Lord. So, her mom's voice will surely add to the beautiful melody of the songs in Heaven, right?  But could her mom's voice add to the beauty of songs now?  After hearing   KB's Song 10K , Olive became inspired to write a song where she would incorporate singing with talking (rap) for her mom like KB. Olive, wrote a song she could sing with her mom!  together!  My Granddaughter was so excited she ...

Bluebonnet Time !

 It's Bluebonnet Time!     I love the smell of bluebonnets! The sweet bluebonnet blossoms, to me, just smells like spring.  Several bloom outside my window! Even my granddaughter loves the smell of bluebonnets.  Smelling Spring Bluebonnets! In fact, she's been fascinated with the bluebonnet since she was a baby! Just like Grandma! Baby Granddaughter in the bluebonnet field You're never too old to enjoy the spring Bluebonnets! Outside I go to enjoy the fresh spring air! Bluebonnet Photo

I Love You.... from Olivia Denbina

When you are having a tough day, week or month... This is the best message you can hear!   

Waiting and Praying

 Waiting and Praying.....Sometimes that's all you can do! During these cold winter days, I ended up waiting in a Hospital ER. There's nothing you can really do but wait and pray. Time seems to go slow, every time I check my phone for the time, only a minute or so passes by.  Waiting and Praying I was remembering the wait was better the way my granddaughter Olive Denbina waited. She brought her 2 stuffed friends Sparkly and Kitty to Wait and pray with us. Sometimes you just want company or a friend, to sit beside you. Waiting with Sparkly and Kitty and Olive Once I was able to stop waiting.... yay and visit my Love, he requested to see Olive... Remembering the fun and sweet times with Olive.  It's Cold in Here and remembering how Olive stayed warm with Hugs and her Soft Bear Blanket - Bear Hugs!!!  Olive on a Cold Winter Day staying Warm with her soft ,Bear Blanket Gifted to her by her Grandfather

Whew! Christmas Decor Down and Valentines Decorations Up!

Well, there always seems to be a lot of Christmas Decorations and seems like the most time consuming to put them away. Next Holiday: Valentine's Day, at least for my family. Thanks to the Denbina's for helping me re-decorate the house!  Now I'm ready for our annual Valentine Tea Party! House is decorated for Valentine's Day Dinner and Tea Party with help from Team Denbina. Me and my granddaughter usually make homemade heart cakes for our tea party.  Decorating Homemade Heart Cakes!  Now I'm getting excited for Valentine's Day! 


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