Barbie! I saw the Barbie Movie! (Notice: Spoiler Alert)

Barbie Movie!      

I think it was more exciting dressing up and going to the theater than actually seeing the movie. 

Chiming Belle, Isabel Cano, dressed up to see the Barbie movie in the movie theather
Me Dressed Up to See the Barbie Movie, #GrandmaBarbie! 

    I had imagined the Barbie movie to be a little different than what I saw. The Barbie doll was introduced when I was a little girl. To me, playing Barbies was about a girl and Ken as her boyfriend and eventually husband. Later, my daughter played with the Heart Family mom and Baby Barbie. So, I thought the Barbie movie would be a romantic love story type movie. It was not a romantic movie. I think, a family romance type movie would of lead to more sales of Barbie.

    I didn’t like how the movie started, and so it took effort to keep watching. Young girls killed their dolls to make room for a new doll, Barbie. Seriously, it was horrid to see girls treat their baby dolls that way. By the time I became a grandmother, there were so many options, besides Barbie’s. My granddaughter loved her American Girl type doll, which she named America. If smashing your baby was supposed to be humorous, it was a huge fail. In fact, it looked like the girls had a mental illness by killing their babies- it looked wrong and inappropriate. I can't imagine my granddaughter smashing her doll, America. 

Granddaughter Olivia Denbina holding her favorite doll named America
Granddaughter Olive with her favorite doll named America 

    The movie did promote feminism and that men are dumb. During my lifetime, the smartest people I have met have been men. All men, in the movie are portrayed as dumb, even the CEO of Mattel. Because Barbie’s are created without genitals, there was anatomical humor. However, the undertones of this were the trans/gay agenda. I didn’t like it. The Barbie movie took young girls and family out of the picture. To me, they took the Barbie out of Barbie.  Barbie is a toy. A toy to play with in your own innocent fantasy land

    Even with all the imperfections of humanity, ultimately Barbie decides to leave Barbie Land to become human. After all don’t all toys want to be real? What Barbie really needs is Jesus (in Barbie land and in the real world). What Barbie hasn’t discovered is that what makes life bearable is knowing God through Christ is with us. Without Jesus I don’t think anyone can feel real.


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